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Monthly Archives: May 2013

New Myspace Coming Soon


Do we all remember Myspace? Seems like forever since Myspace has been mentioned. Well they’re coming back to us new and improved according to the New architects who will be rebuilding the brand from the ground up. Tricky if you ask me.


This is without a doubt an arduous task for this duo, since the public already has a perception of this brand it might be difficult to change but who knows maybe they can succeed.


They say the project’s goal is to bring the site back to its simple core values of music and artist discovery. They want the new Myspace to be visually captivating enough to keep and gain new users, so they’re incorporating a design reminiscent of Tumblr and Pinterest.

Do you see this working for Myspace?

Super Niche Product, Facebook or No Facebook


So I read an article on Mashable today that wanted to know if it would be a good idea to have a large scale social network such as Facebook for a tightly niched product. My response HELL YES!!


In todays world all social media is important for any type of product that’s available. Just because the product is in a small specific niche plays no importance. People want to feel connected to the product or brand and this is done through social media.

I may just be seeing this the wrong way but I don’t think so. What do you guys think??

How do you feel about paying for YouTube??

Youtube is changing right before us people. They have now decided to launch paid channels, honestly I’m not too sure if I agree with this but we’ll see  what they have to offer. These paid channels will be offered with subscription fees starting at $0.99 per month. Every channel has a 14-day free trial, and many offer discounted yearly rates.

And this is just the beginning I’m sure there will be much more to come my only hope is that the content we are going to pay for will be worth it. Channels like Sesame Street will be offering full episodes on their paid channel when it launches. Now does that mean that youtube might be trying to chime in on sites such as hulu that already follow this nature. What do you guys think?

Tumblr Shows How Living In New York Ain’t No Joke

As we all know New York is without a doubt one of the greatest and most expensive cities we know of. Living in this city while extravagant some living conditions are expensive and unacceptable.


Living among the rodents and roaches like they’re family only a New Yorker could understand this pain. Ryan Nethery, the creator of the Tumblr The Worst Room, shows us how some average New Yorker lives. In the blog, Nethery curates the most awful living situations he stumbles across on Craigslist while scouring for “decent, affordable housing.


To see some of these pictures visit:

Time for Apple to Pay You!

So some good news for all my app/ Apple lovers out there. Apple‘s App Store is nearing the 50 billion downloads milestone, and the company is celebrating by rewarding users with cash prizes.

The person who downloads the 50 billionth app will get a $10,000 App Store Gift Card. People who download one of the first 50 apps after the milestone is reached can win $500. This sounds pretty darn good to me!

I suggest you all go out there and try to get some of these prizes. No purchase is necessary to enter the contest, which you can do by filling out this form..

Twitter Hackers Own Up

Well it’s nothing new but another Twitter was hacked.Entertainment news outlet E!’s Twitter account was hacked Saturday, tweeting fake headlines about Justin Bieber, Angelina Jolie and the conflict in Syria. Now The Syrian Electronic Army, a group of hackers aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is claiming responsibility for the hack.


How crazy and messed up is this? I mean I’m not sure want claiming responsibility for the hack means and then this may stir up questions as to just how many more Twitter accounts are they responsible for that we just don’t know about?


And it appears that they have been up to no good. “The Syrian Electronic Army was also responsible for hacking the Associated Press Twitter account last month, sending a false story about an attack on the White House that had a temporary but serious impact on the financial markets.”

Source: Mashable/  Google Images